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Szerezz hasznos, azonnal alkalmazható tudást, amellyel tovább erősítheted szervezeted társadalmi bázisát

Introduction to Legacy Fundraising

Dátum:  2024. 11. 12., kedd, 14:00-16:00

Előadó: Dr Claire Routley

A masterclass nyelve: angol

A masterclass ára: bruttó 12 700 Ft


In this session, we will look at the gifts in the wills market, and put in place some basics for integrating gifts in wills into your own fundraising. We will begin by briefly discussing the growing importance of gifts in wills to charities around the world, and potentially in Hungary. We'll then spend some time thinking about what research can tell us about who gives gifts in wills and why, and what that means for creating your own compelling legacy messages. We'll then consider how you can integrate those messages into your fundraising in order to encourage your supporters to consider remembering your organisations in this way. You'll leave ready to take your first steps in growing gifts in wills for your charity. 

Key learnings will include:

  • Understanding who gives gifts in their wills
  • The motivations underlying the decision to leave a gift in a will
  • What research can tell us about legacy messaging
  • How to go about integrating gifts in wills into your fundraising

Az előadóról:

Dr Claire Routley has worked in fundraising for twenty years, for charities large and small. In 2011, she completed a PhD looking at why people choose to leave charitable legacies. She is now a fundraising consultant at Legacy Voice, and a tutor for the Chartered Institute of Fundraising’s qualification courses. She is also a member of Rogare’s international advisory panel. She continues with legacy fundraising research and was named AFP’s emerging scholar 2017.